Friday, February 1, 2013

Peer Review

Today we worked on peer review. This process is vitally important to your writing. Writing is more about the process rather than the actual product. And the more you read and critique other people's work, the better YOUR writing will be in the long run. Why? Because the more you see what other people are doing right and wrong, the more you are able to view yourself in such a critical manner. I hope a lot of you benefitted from this process and were able to get great feedback on what you need to do better in order to get a great grade for this project. Remember, this is a test grade and will count for 45% of your total grade so this is not something you want to slack off on or wait until after the Superbowl to get it done. Take your time with this.

If you get stuck, or unsure of what you wrote, please log on to Schoology and review the Powerpoint on Peer Editing that we had up on the board as you did this in class. The questions are all there to help you add detail and specificity to your writing.

If you want me or Mr. Hannah to check your work, please email, iMessage, or whatever, us BEFORE Sunday night so we can take a look at it.

Once you're done, log onto Schoology and upload it there. Any extra credit can be emailed to us.

Have an excellent weekend and work hard!

--Peer Review Process

--Final Draft of the I Am Poem turned in on Schoology

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