Thursday, June 13, 2013

Annotation Post-Assessment

Today was another "wrap-up" day. You took the Annotation Post-Assessment. You had never seen the passage I gave you, and all you had to do was annotate it. Hopefully, you know what you need to do in order to annotate well and hopefully you show significant improvement from the beginning of the year when I had you annotate another passage. The goal is to carry this skill throughout your high school career and beyond. It will be an invaluable tool you'll need in order to do well academically.

Then, we wrapped up Night by taking your final Night Quiz and going over Elie's final pages of his memoir. Hopefully you learned something from the books we have read this year, and at least enjoyed them even a little bit. As Mr. Hannah and I told you in the beginning of the year, if all you get out of this class is that you become avid readers, then I'm glad.

Tomorrow, we'll continue to wrap things up with Ms. DeRousi and her final Morphology lesson and start going over some strategies you can use for taking the final exam next week.

--Annotation Post-Assessment
--Finish Night

--Start studying for the final!

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