Friday, May 3, 2013

"How am I then a villain?" -- Iago

Today we started with Ms. DeRousi coming in to give her Morphology lesson and then had a bit of DEAR time.

The rest of the class was devoted to discovering what Iago's third soliloquy was all about. However, instead of Mr. Hannah and I telling you all the answers, we wanted you to be the experts. Since you had two times to practice breaking down a soliloquy into smaller parts and uncovering what those smaller parts mean, we decided that it's about time you guys start doing this on your own--without Mr. Hannah's or my guidance.

Then, since I was feeling poppy all week, you took a quiz on what you learned. Most of you did really well so I was glad to see that.

Again, here's a clip of Iago's famous soliloquy:

Next week, we'll tackle the rest of the play. Get ready for the drama!

--Iago's Third Soliloquy
--Pop Quiz


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