Tuesday, January 29, 2013

And So It Begins...

Today we started with our Ice Breaker quiz. Most of you did really well on this. If you didn't, don't stress over it. There will be multiple opportunities throughout the term and the semester to improve your grade. This is only the beginning! This was just meant to be a great exercise to get to know your peers.

After that, we went over our Grading Policy. Here's the breakdown of your grade:


Each of these components, no matter how large or small, will factor into your overall grade for the term. EACH of these components is important. And remember, as Mr. Hannah and I said today, we don't believe in giving out points. We believe each and every student has to work for and earn each and every point of their grade. Do not come see us two weeks before the term ends to ask us if there's anything you can do to boost up your grade. If you want a high grade, you'll need to work for it. That means coming afterschool to get extra help when needed and working hard on every single assignment. We have a high expectation for all our students and expect all of them to achieve the goals we set for the class. As long as you do the work and do it well, you'll be fine.

As for the beginning of our first project, this will be a lot of work. As you saw today when you were filling out your worksheets, this is going to take some thought. Our Essential Questions says, "What makes up your identity?" What makes you, you? What sets you apart from the rest of your classmates? We'll begin to uncover this as we go. But for your homework tonight, make sure that you spend some honest time thinking about each of the questions on the worksheet. Each of these questions will play a significant role during tomorrow's class.

(If you were absent, or "lost" your worksheet, it is in the folder labeled "I Am Poem" on Schoology.)

--Ice Breaker Quiz
--Grading Policy
--I Am Worksheet

--Grading Policy signed
--I Am Worksheet

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