Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Act I, Scene III

Today's class started with Ms. DeRousi coming in and giving your Morphology lesson. She gave you a whole new list and a whole new chart so make sure you don't lose these.

After DEAR time, you took your Act I, Scene II Quiz. Almost all of you got above an 80 which I was very proud to see. Keep up the great work!

Then we jumped right back into Othello. We acted out Act I, Scene III which was set in the Duke's Council. Here we found out that Othello wooed Desdemona by telling stories of his times at war. He's been through quite a lot (cannibalism, slavery, etc.) so to come out on the other side shows his strength, courage, and perseverance. But Desdemona sees the softer side in him. She sees that he's a broken soul, and she pities him for all that he's been through. That's what makes Othello fall in love with her and secretly run off to marry her. Brabantio still isn't thrilled about the idea and actually disowns Desdemona. Here's a clip of the scene (remember, we're not reading the whole play, so there's going to be lines in here not in your version):

For homework, you need to read and annotate Iago's soliloquy that comes at the end of page 8. Mr. Hannah and I are feeling a little "poppy" so make sure you do a great job. Here's a clip of the soliloquy that may help you understand what's going on:

--Act I, Scene II Quiz
--Act I, Scene III Role Play

--Read and annotate Iago's first soliloquy (pg. 8)

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