Monday, April 22, 2013


We started today's class with a discussion about this past week's events. I realize many of you have a lot of things you want to get off your chest, and today we addressed some of the issues you might have faced over vacation. If we didn't get to talk about something that you wanted to, don't worry. This week's advisory, and I assume the many advisories to come, will be dedicated to having discussions about this sensitive topic. 

The most important thing to remember is this: We are Boston. We are Boston strong. You should never feel alone because there are so many support systems for you here at RHS and you know that Mr. Hannah and I are always here to assist you in whatever you may need. 

After our discussion, Ms. DeRousi came to give you a refresher on your Morphology. I've uploaded the powerpoint she used on Schoology under the Morphology folder in case you missed some of the suffixes. Again, please make sure to keep your suffix chart with you at all times.

And lastly, most of you lucked out with today's homework. You have one more day to get your stuff organized. Here's what you need:

--3 PRINTED ads (1 for ethos, 1 for pathos, 1 for logos)
--3 paragraphs (1 for each ad) explaining why the ad is either ethos, pathos, or logos

*Note: Your paragraphs must be neatly handwritten on lined paper with skipped lines. Each paragraph must also follow the MEAL format. The MEAL powerpoint is also up on Schoology under the Paragraphs folder in case you forgot how to do it properly.

Get it done! This will be your first quiz grade of the new term!

--#bostonstrong journal entry
--EPL check


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