Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chapter 18 Role Play

Today our Do Now was an excerpt from yesterday's role play. Even though I know we already read it yesterday, it gave us an opportunity to really analyze the life the Ewells live. This was necessary for our Chapter 18 Role Play because the information we saw really does shape Mayella Ewell, the daughter of Bob Ewell who was allegedly attacked by Tom Robinson.

I know we didn't finish all of Chapter 18, but we will tomorrow. Just remember, as we go through this, keep in mind the Ewells' living situation and how they were raised. It ultimately shapes Mayella and her testimony.

For tomorrow, don't forget to study for your Grammar quiz! You'll need to know all of the definitions for the words we've gone over, as well as knowing which correct form of the word for different sentences, and how to fix error-filled sentences. Study, study!

--Do Now--Excerpt from Chapter 17
--Chapter 18 Role Play

--Study for your grammar quiz!

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