Monday, May 6, 2013

Analyzing Act III

Even though I wasn't in class today (Mr. Hannah did great on his own!), don't think that my eyes weren't on you. With Mr. Hannah's guidance, you went through the various film versions of Othello and analyzed them according to the worksheet titled Analyzing Film Act 3 under the Othello folder on Schoology.

I know you didn't get to watch all the videos in class, but it's still your responsibility to finish watching the rest of the videos tonight for homework and answer the questions attached.

Here are the answers to all the questions. Please make sure you check your answers with mine so you'll be ready to take the quiz tomorrow. It will be all short answer so you'll need to know your stuff!

The Temptation:
1. Othello greets Desdemona with a hug and a kiss, showing his love and affection for her. Iago barely acknowledges Emilia. This shows the great difference between how Othello feels about his wife and how Iago feels about his.
2. Iago's voice is much softer in the gunpowder room than Othello's. He might be trying to show his obedience and loyalty to Othello.
3. Iago and Othello are standing very far away from each other. This contrasts the loyalty that Iago is trying to show Othello.
4. Iago moves closer to Othello when he is about to start talking about Cassio with Desdemona. He moves closer so he can be more personal with Othello.
5. Othello loading a gun acts as a symbol. A gun is a symbol of violence and death. Othello is now loading his own gun. Once he hears what Iago has to say about Desdemona and Cassio, he will have no stopping the violence and rage that will come out of him.
6. The camera comes closer to Iago's face when he talks of jealousy to show his emotions. He wants to really prove to Othello that he's telling the truth.
7. Iago doesn't look directly into Othello's eyes when he's talking about Desdemona cheating on him. This shows that he's lying. However, he does sound sincere, which makes him an excellent liar.
8. Iago is trying to take back what he just said about Desdemona. Even though he wants Othello to believe what he's saying, he needs to keep pretending like he has Othello's best interest at heart.
9. The camera angle shows Iago's words going into Othello's ears. This shows that the rumors Iago is saying will eventually leak into Othello's ears and eventually his mind.
10. Cassio and Desdemona dancing shows Othello's thoughts about what Iago is talking about. Othello is imagining this in his head.
11. Othello falling on the bed and then Iago standing in the background shows that Iago is the one behind all this. The music dramatizes the scene and shows Iago as the villain. The lighting is dark around Iago which shows his evilness.

1. The time period and setting of this adaptation is different than the previous film. It's set in a modern-day high school. Othello (Odin) is a basketball star and Iago (Hugo) is his best friend on the team. The "bars" between them might represent the separation between them.
2. They are distant from each other. Hugo's tone while telling O to watch Desi is much more direct and open. He's very straightforward and doesn't try to sugar-coat it.
3. The camera angle tightens on O and Hugo's face to show their emotions. Hugo uses logos and ethos to persuade O that he's telling the truth. He tries to show that Desi is untrustworthy and that he should trust him instead of her. He's also showing the logical facts of how easy she deceived her father and how easy it would be for her to deceive O.

The Stealing of the Handkerchief:
1. Emilia seems to be contemplating whether or not she should steal the handkerchief.
2. Judging by how the two couples greeted each other, Emilia might have stolen the handkerchief for Iago even though she's loyal to Desdemona because she's jealous of the relationship Othello and Desdemona have. Perhaps she thinks that if she steals the handkerchief for Iago, then he'll give her the same lvoe and affection that Othello shows for Desdemona.

The Proof:
1. Othello says, "I swear it is better to be much abused than to know but a little." This means that mental pain and suffering is much worse than physical pain and suffering. He would rather be hurt physically than to know of this information about Desdemona cheating on him with Cassio.
2. The camera follows Othello's pursuit upon Iago to heighten the suspense and tension of the moment. Othello's tone when confronting Iago is full of rage and fury as he shoves him under water.
3. The camera follows Iago as he walks away from Othello to show how Iago is playing his game. Othello is left alone in the background and it's obvious that he'll go back to Iago as long as he gives him more information about Desdemona.
4. Iago is very forceful when he's talking to Othello about Desdemona, but then immediately whimpers under Othello's wrath when Othello grabs him roughly by the collar.
5. Iago tells Othello two pieces of proof that Desdemona has been with Cassio. (1) He talks about how Cassio has been bunking in the same room as him. He says that Cassio has been talking in his sleep about being with Desdemona and then wrapped his legs around Iago and kissed him. (2) Iago also says that Cassio has Desdemona's handkerchief.

Hopefully, all your answers match up with mine and you'll do great on tomorrow's quiz. Tonight for homework, you need to finish reading the rest of the act to fully prepare for tomorrow's quiz.

--Act III Film Analysis

--Finish watching video/answering questions AND read rest of the act

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