Thursday, May 16, 2013

Index Cards

Today, we started pulling quotes from our sources for our research paper. If you chose the benefits side of social networking, you'll only be using sources B, E, and F. If you chose the harmful side of social networking, you'll only be using sources A, C, and D.

Today, you needed to pull 3 quotes from each of your 3 sources for a total of 9 quotes. Each of your quotes needs to answer the question why and how. Why is this quote useful to your argument? How does this quote defend your support of the benefits or harms of social networking?

Before you were able to write each of your quotes on your index cards, you needed to get approval from me and Mr. Hannah. Once you did, you needed to follow the format on how to write the quote properly on your index card. I've added the picture of how to properly write your index cards on Schoology under the Research Paper folder.

These index cards will be due on Monday, so it's in your best interest to get as many done between today and tomorrow so you won't have to do any over the weekend.

After this, we broke class about twenty minutes before the bell rang to give all of you some time to meet in your groups for your group project. Again, Mr. Hannah and I are here to help. Please stop by after school or email us with any questions to make sure you're doing the very best work on this project. Remember, besides the research paper, this will be your only test grade of the term.

--Index Cards
--Group Project

--Index Cards (due Monday
--Group Project (due Tuesday)

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