Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Analyzing Quotes

After today's Morphology lesson and DEAR time, we started the crucial part of this entire research paper process--the analysis (duh! duh! duh!).

For the rest of the week, you'll be working on your analysis of the nine quotes you picked. This is the most difficult part of the research paper process because it requires you to think extremely critically, but remember, Mr. Hannah and I are here to help you. You will have plenty of time in class to work on your analysis; however, if you slack off and goof around in class, you will be stuck doing this work at home. Again, this is where a lot of people fall behind in this process and start playing catch-up. Don't let yourself become one of those people. Stay with us!

Here are the main questions you want to ask yourself:

1) What does this quote mean? (Explain/summarize the quote using different words.)


2) How does this quote show the cost or benefits of social networking?

Use these sentence starters to help you:

For the explanation--

          This means that...

For the analysis--
          This shows that....

Things to keep in mind--

--Define unfamiliar words

--Do not use the same words from the quote in your explanation

The powerpoint we went over in class today is up on Schoology under the Research Paper folder for your reference. Go back to this powerpoint if you get stuck on one of your quotes or forget how you're supposed to format your analysis.

--Analyzing Quotes PPT
--Analysis on Index Cards

--Group Project due TOMORROW
--Analysis of Index Cards
--Read pgs. 1-23 of Night due FRIDAY

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