Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chapter 17 Role Play

Today we practiced some more with our grammar. Remember, you'll have a quiz on Friday on all the grammar we have done. This will be your last grammar quiz so make it count!

After, we did our Chapter 17 Role Play. Most of you slipped into your roles rather well and I'm glad to see you put in the effort to understand your character.

We'll finish Chapter 17 tomorrow, and then start Chapter 18. Here are the roles:

Chapter 18 Role Play:

Judge: Gerald, Edward, Andres 
Gilmer: Matt, Andre, Renee
Atticus: Regina, Daniel, Jessica
Mayella 1: Crisleydi, Valentina, Carmela
Mayella 2: Martha, Sofia, Michaela

Prepare your lines and know your character!

--Grammar Do Now
--Chapter 17 Role Play

--Review your grammar
--Actors prepare your roles!

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