Monday, April 1, 2013

Paragraph Review

Today was mostly about review. We started the period by going over our last grammar week!. Here's what we learned:

you're = contraction for "you are"
your = possessive

who's = contraction for "who is"
whose = possessive

where = in or what place
were = past tense of "are"
wear = to put or have on (clothing)
we're = contraction for "we are"

This will be our last grammar week so make sure you get your study on and really shine.

Then, we reviewed our paragraph structure. Here's a reminder:

M = Main Idea (title/author and restate and answer the question)

E = Evidence (introduce the quote, add the quote, and explain it)

A = Analysis (This shows that...  (at least 2 sentences))

L = Link (concluding phrase, summarize the main idea, add a new idea)

These paragraphs are not going away, and with your midterm coming up next week, you have to make sure you know this structure and know how to do it well.

Ms. DeRousi then came to give your Morphology lesson. Please do not keep losing your Suffix chart. Ms. DeRousi should not have to keep making extra copies for everyone because you cannot keep your things in order.

As for tomorrow's class, we will begin our role playing of the trial scene. Here are the roles for tomorrow's class:

Gilmer = Hiba, Nusirat, Annas

Heck Tate = Alex, Emiliano, Roberto

Atticus = Darin, Milena, Rosemarie

Judge Taylor = Salvador, Martin, Adrian

Bob Ewell = Lorraine, Angjeliki, Brian

Remember, you're going to want to go over your lines because your classmates will be grading you based on your performance. You do not have to be an actor to get a great grade on this. You just have to show that you practiced your lines and understand your character.

Also, everyone will have to get up there and act so don't feel like you're going to make a fool of yourself and everyone else is going to laugh. Everyone will be acting at some point.

--Grammar Do Now
--Finish Chapter 15
--Paragraph Review
--Group Paragraph

--"Grammar Quiz" on Schoology
--Actors prepare your roles!

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