Friday, April 26, 2013

Reading Images

Today's class was about reading images effectively. We first looked at a color symbolism chart that showed us what certain colors mean. We generally don't think about the symbolic meaning of the colors of the clothes we wear as we get dressed in the morning, but it's interesting to see what you meant to portray and what your colors actually reflect.

This got us thinking about how creators make certain movie posters, video game covers, CD covers, or book covers. Why did they make the choices they did and how does that then affect how we interpret the image? Together, we looked at the movie poster for Titanic:

In using the Reading Images sheet (on Schoology under the Othello folder) we can start to interpret this image. The main color is black, which represents death and destruction. The other prominent color is blue, which represents peace and tranquility. Interesting fact: The reason why the captain of the Titanic didn't see the iceberg in time was because the boat was going too fast and the ocean was calm and tranquil. Had the waters been rough, they would have seen and felt the waves crashing off the iceberg and been able to possibly see it in time.

We then talked about lines. The two diagonal lines of the boat cross at a point. Diagonal lines represent movement and energy. If the boat would to continue moving, it would cut the couple in half, separating them. (As you know, this is exactly what happens in the movie.)

When we talk about composition, meaning how characters are posed, we see that Leo is holding Rose desperately, with his head cast down. We see Rose looking away, looking confused and alone. (Again, this is exactly what happens in the movie. Leo is the one who is sure certain about his love for Rose, protecting her at all costs. Rose, on the other hand, is confused and unsure at first about her love for Leo.)

Notice that these choices are not done randomly. Every time you look at a movie poster or a video game cover, all the choices were made purposefully and specifically. It's your job as viewers to then interpret and analyze the image.

In your groups, you did just that. You looked at several Othello playbills and analyzed the image to see if you could start to understand what this play would be about. Here's some of the images:

We decided that this play would be about love--love given, love lost, love died. We also determined there would be lots of jealousy, envy, drama, and twists and turns. We're going to start reading this play on Monday so we'll see if you guys were right.

For homework, you need to write a paragraph about your favorite movie poster, video game cover, CD cover, or book cover. I gave you the first sentence of your paragraph already. In case you forgot it, here it is:

Jane Smith
Ms. Chaves/Mr. Hannah
26 April 2013

            In a                                           for                               , it uses                                     
                  (movie poster/video game cover)                     (name)                           (composition/lines/color)

to show                                                .

Your E (evidence) because you don't have a quote, will be a description of your cover. Do your best, and email me if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!

--Reading Images
--Othello Posters

--Poster Paragraph 

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