Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 11

Today we started Chapter 11 of TKAM. But first, a quick word:

*If you didn't pass in your HOMS Projects, you have until tomorrow to do so. Otherwise, it'll go in as a zero as a test grade. Please upload SOMETHING into Schoology to at least get some credit.

*For those students you were absent on Friday because of the snow storm, please get the notes for the presentations you missed and complete the quizzes to turn in tomorrow. If you fail to turn in your quizzes tomorrow, they will also go in as a zero. In grading all these projects, Mr. Hannah and I do not have time to sit and wait around for you to turn things in late.

As for today's class, we briefly went over point of view in order for all of you to better understand the perspectives of the stories we read. We went over three types of POV. They are:

1) First person--The story is told through the narrator's perspective and uses pronouns like I, me, mine, and we.
2) Third person LIMITED--The story is told by an outside observer and knows the thoughts and feelings of one character using pronouns like he, she, him, and her.
3) Third person OMNISCIENT--The story is told by an outside observer and knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters using pronouns like he, she, him, her, they, and them.

After that, we read and annotated the first four and a half pages of Chapter 11 of TKAM.

Then, we had our special guest Ms. DeRousi come in and teach her first lesson on Morphology. As she said, Ms. DeRousi will be here every Monday at the last 10 minutes of class and every Tuesday and Friday before DEAR time. She will be teaching you the ins and outs of words, which will better help you understand words you come across that you don't understand.

For homework, you need to read until the bottom of page 7 of Chapter 11 and answer the first three questions on page 15. Use sticky notes or a text box to get the answers done.

--Chapter 11

--Read until pg. 7 and first 3 questions on pg. 15
--Quizzes (only for those people who were absent last Friday)

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