Monday, March 4, 2013

TKAM Timeline

Today we had a lot of things on our agenda. The Do Now was a writing response to the HOMS test you guys took on Friday. (NOTE: If you were absent on Friday, that means you need to come after school someday this week to take it. If you don't, it will go in as a zero.) A lot of you wrote, "I need to study more/harder." But in order for you to do so next time, you need to know what this means. Do you mean studying in a quieter place with less distractions? Do you mean studying longer, like studying an hour instead of half an hour? Do you mean trying a different study tactic like using flashcards or study guides? Be specific in your answers that way you don't make the same mistake next time.

As for the timeline we went over, it's obvious your U.S. American history skills are in need of some work. Our new book, To Kill a Mockingbird, takes place during the Great Depression in the deep south of the U.S. In order to understand this book and its complexities, we have to fully understand this time period, otherwise the book will make little to no sense. If you don't know much about one specific event on the timeline, don't freak out. Each of you will be researching your topics tomorrow and on Wednesday for a presentation on Thursday.

But before we jumped into the mini-research projects, it's always great to analyze quotes from the text. As we did so, notice the difference in time periods once again. There are Hoover carts, women wear talcum, and blacks and whites are not treated equally.

For your homework tonight, take the quotes we read and analyzed today in class (go to Schoology, under the Mockingbird folder, labeled TKAM Quotes for DE Journals) and pick 6 that you want to write about. With the sheet we gave you for homework, pick 6 quotes that you can make personal connections to your life about. How do these 6 quotes relate to something happening in your own life right now or something you experienced in the past? The more personal connections you make to a text, the more you remember it, and the more you engage with the text.

Please do your best on this assignment. It will be graded.

And please don't forget, your HOMS Projects are due Friday!

--Do Now
--American History Timeline
--TKAM Quotes
--Double-entry Journals

--Double-entry Journal
--HOMS Project due Friday!

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