Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good vs. Evil

Today we had a lot on our plate. First we took the Possessives quiz. Most of you did relatively well so that didn't seem to be an issue. However, if you feel as if you're still not understanding possessives, please come and talk to me after school because now we will start deducting points if you use them incorrectly.

Next, because Mr. Hannah and I were feeling so "poppy" yesterday (and channeling our inner JT) we decided to give you a "pop quiz" on the first 5 pages of Chapter 15. Had you read and annotated as I instructed you to do so, this quiz should have been simple.

The rest of the class was spent reviewing the Chapter 6 questions that you were to finish for homework, and then reading and annotating the rest of Chapter 15. Here's what we learned:

--Jem, Scout, and Dill decide to go sneak after Atticus downtown. They find him, not in his office, but outside Maycomb jail.

--A mob of cars pull up to the jail and ask Atticus to get out of the way so they can kill Tom Robinson. Atticus doesn't move.

--Scout, afraid that they will hurt Atticus, runs into the mob and Jem and Dill run after her. Atticus is scared that they are there and tell them to go home.

--Scout notices Walter Cunningham's father in the crowd and begins talking to him about his son, Walter. Everyone in the mob is stunned at her innocence and the mob decides to leave. Scout makes Walter's father realize the reason why he's there (to kill) and then decide to go home (realizing his own humanity).

--Tom Robinson is thankful that Atticus stood guard for him (he was awake the whole time).

--Atticus also had another form of protection--Mr. Underwood was above the newspaper office's door ready with a shotgun.

--Scout thinks Atticus will be so angry at them, but instead, as they're all walking home, Atticus rubs Jem's head--a huge sign of affection.

Your only homework for the weekend is to finish your Miss Caroline Projects and get them turned into Schoology. As I said in class, I will not be responding to emails sent to me on Sunday. You've had a whole week to work on this, and if you choose Sunday night to start it, I will not be available to assist you. All the tools you need are on Schoology.

Work hard and get it done!

--Possessives Quiz
--Chapter 15 Quiz
--Chapter 6 Review
--Finish reading and annotating Chapter 15

--Miss Caroline Project

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