Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

Today we began our class by fixing some sentences. As you saw, this isn't as easy as some of you think it is. Here are the major things we went over:

--there, they're, their
--to, too, two
--common nouns vs. proper nouns

Remember, periods 3 and 4, you're quiz is tomorrow. For period 1, because we don't meet tomorrow, you're quiz is on Friday.

After that, we reviewed your quiz that you took on Chapters 11, 1, and 2. Most of you, unfortunately, did not do so well on this. I hope you all took notes as we went over the quiz today in class, because I promise you, you will see these questions come up again in the future.

Then, we got some paragraph practice in. We haven't written one in a while and we thought it time to get the practice in. Here's a sample paragraph we came up with today in class:

Jane Smith
Mr. Hannah/Ms. Chaves
20 March 2013

       In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Miss Caroline is strict and unfair. To discipline her students, “Miss Caroline picked up her ruler, gave me half a dozen quick little pats, then told me to stand in the corner,” (8). Miss Caroline hits her students with a ruler to correct them. This shows that Miss Caroline is demanding and tight on rules. She only yells at Scout about showing advanced writing and reading, when she should really be encouraging her. A fair teacher would support and reward all her students. In conclusion, Miss Caroline is very stuck in her ways and cannot quickly adjust to her new students. 

--To/too/two Do Now
--Quiz Review
--Miss Caroline paragraph

--Study for your to/too/two quiz!

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